I'm feeling rather random this morning. We had a Pre-Mother's Day breakfast at my church over the weekend. It turned out really nice - though I have to say I'm glad its over. I was supposed to be in charge of clean up, but since I had to play the guitar during the service, by the time I got downstairs, clean up was already finished. Woo hoo, score 1! We had some vendors there selling things, and one of the things they were selling was panythose. Some of the ladies were trying to get me to buy some. I wanted to ask, "Do you ever actually LOOK at what I'm wearing?" I never wear anything that would require pantyhose, so why would I buy some. They were like, "They're only $10.00" And I thought, $10.00!? ONLY $10.00!? Okay, these pantyhose must be made of golden nylon or something... I might be crazy - but are quality nylons really $10.00? Anyway, needless to say, I have no more pantyhose today than I did Saturday, woo hoo, score 2!
I wish I had some newer pictures to post (I will once I get the pictures from my Colorado trip on here), but for now, I'll post these pictures of our praise team. They're from several months ago, but we still pretty much look like this. Well, except Simone, she is a blonde now...
This is Yatron leading worship (in background are Sis Carmen, Sis Simone, Sis Shamika)
Here you see everyone (Sis Carmen, Sis Yatron, Sis Simone, Sis Shamika, Sis Melissa)
We are the musicians. (Aimee - guitar, Phil - bass, Tony - Drums)
Basketball Lenora and Sophie 2015
10 years ago
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