Ever had just one of those weeks. You know the ones where outwardly things are going good, but inwardly things are a mess. Thats where I am this week. I know God wants more from me, and as of yet, I've been unwilling to give it to him. To give everything to him and live my life for him - it seems like a no-brainer, right? I mean, he IS God, and I AM his child. So then why is it so hard to give up certain things. There are things we struggle with, sins, that we know we have overcome, and yet we choose to engage in those things. And when we fall, yet again, into that sin, it may feel good for a time - but it leaves you feeling worse than you did when you started out. Praise be to God that his mercies are new every morning. I sure need them today! :)
Basketball Lenora and Sophie 2015
10 years ago
Wow, did you know I am having the same kind of week! Thanks for the encouragement. Now I can't wait to go to bed so His mercies can be new in the morning! Hang in there girl, the one thing I cling to God is faithful!
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