Have you ever driven around for a few days with the gas light on in your car? You figure, I can go for another day or so - but actually running out of gas is a constant threat. Well, friends, let me tell you something - my gas light has been on for a while now - I just don't know where to go to fill up. I'm talking about faith, and truthfully, I could use your help here.
Okay, please let me start by saying that I am not ready to throw in the towel, or give up on this whole Christianity thing. Far from it. I've been dealing with this area of faith for a while now - and and seeking advice from you.
So, what is faith? Dictionary.com defines faith as: 1. confidence in a person or thing; 2. belief that is not based on proof. Belief that is not based on proof - ouch. I'm one of those people who wants proof (not that knowing what the Lord has done for me isn't proof enough...). I want to see it to believe it. Anyway - I digress - so, what does the bible say about faith?
Hebrews 1:1-3 "1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for. 3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."
2 Cor. 5:7 says "We live by faith, not by sight."
Heb 1:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. "
I thought there was a verse that said something like, "To each one he gave a measure of faith." I can't find that verse. It may not exist, but thats the one I'm trying to find.
Okay - here is what I'm asking. 1. Have you ever been where I'm at before? 2. How do you get more faith? 3. What are your ideas on this subject? Please let me know what you think - I'm going to research too. :) Thanks!
Basketball Lenora and Sophie 2015
10 years ago
Believe me, most of us have been where you are and there is nothing to be ashamed of. The Lord longs to increase your faith and there are lots of ways to do that. One of the best Bible studies that I would recommend is of course, Beth Moore's Believing God. Now, that one will definitely help you in this area.
Come on over to my blog and read some of my past posts. I think that you will find some help there as well. Go back into the archives and read some of the older posts. Also check out my friend Mariel's blog. www.growingingodliness.blogspot.com She is a very grounded, solid Christian writer and you will really benefit from her writing. Be sure to check out her Proverbs 31 series.
Another good way to increase your faith is to keep a journal of the ways God is working in your life. You can look back over the past months or years and see His handiwork. Journal about trials and triumphs and how God spoke to you in those.
Ask God to increase your faith!! That is one prayer He is thrilled to answer.
Looking forward to seeing you in San Antonio.
I find the more you know about God the more you trust in Him and have faith in Him (Romans 10:17). Look for God's promises in His Word and keep a journal of those promises. Ephesians 1 is filled with the riches of Christ that we have (he chose us, predestined us, in Him we have redemption, forgiveness, wisdom and insight). These are promises that we can have faith in and meditate on. Another way to journal about who God is is reading through the Psalms and finishing the sentence "My God is...?" And then be thinking through those characteristics throughout the day. Spending time memorizing and meditating on God's attributes will surely increase your faith in Him. I'll be praying this prayer for you from Ephesians 1:16-19. Keep us posted on the awesome truthes you learn.
Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think [of himself] more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
In Hebrews 11:1 it describes what faith is, "Faith is the confidence of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Keep in His word, know that God is not a liar. He keeps His word, His promises. We may not understand the circumstances we face or our trial we are going through, but know that God has a purpose and a plan in mind for you as he tells us in Jeremiah 29:11.
Trust in the fact that God describes himself, his character as love! Not any kind of love but "perfect-agapao" love. I love looking at 1 Cor 3-8 which describes what love is which in turn describes God! He never fails, He hopes all things, He endures all things, He is patient, He is kind, He is long suffering, He's not boastful, He doesn't envy, He rejoices in truth and doesn't rejoice in sin or think evil things, He believes all things!
Don't let Satan feed you lies to confuse you, frustrate you, discourage you! He's the liar!
Trust in the Almighty Lord of the Universe. Through the fruit of his Spirit which lives in us we are given faith - Gal 5:22. It's our responsibility to not grieve the Holy Spirit so that the fruit can flourish in our lives.
I'm praying for you as I know this can be huge to wrap your arms around during lives issues that we find ourselves in at times.
Hi, there is a song you shoudl hear called What do i know of Holy, it's by addison road
I love how honest you are in this. :)
I'm one of your Siestas, getting to meet you in San Antonio in a couple of months. Just wanted to drop by to say hello!
sorry, I'm a bit behind in commenting :)
1. yes, often. sometimes it comes and goes many times in one day.
2. things that have been helpful to me in growing my faith are to a) pray for it to grow b)reflect on what God has done (I know you did this!) and c) suck it up and take that step of faith--even when you don't feel it. Sorta like confidence, when you bluff it it suddenly grows...
Aimee I have too been where you are. My Pastor once told me why ask for more faith when I am not even using what I have... I had to think about that.. What I found is that faith is a Action word that requires motion. It not a enough to say I have faith that God will give me a new job and yet lay in the bed until one in the afternoon...... There is a lot of things that cause us not waiver in our faith.. Things like doubt, fear, laziness etc.. We at things walk be sight and not faith... So be encouraged......... Angie H
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