Okay all. You know - I have to say this. I fear that the majority of my Christian experience has been based on emotion. You know - like, worshipping God at church when the music is just right and I have the tinglies. Oh I sure know how to come to Him when I am in despair or having an anxious moment. But what about now? Things are going pretty good for me right now (well aside from this crisis of faith). My prayer life falls off durong these times. Why? Because I don't feel I need anything from God right now. I have this desire to know more about God, yet don't really feel like spending time in His word. Yeah I know that the way to get to know someone is by spending time with them and that the same holds true for God. Just because I don't physically feel the goosebumps on my arms when I pray, doesn't mean he is not there. Just because perhaps I don't get all riled up in church like perhaps I have in the past doesn't mean that God has somehow left or His presence has left me or that He doesn't love me...His word is true whether I feel it or not. Its true whether I believe it or not. And you know what - I'm going choose to believe it whether I like it or not!
Basketball Lenora and Sophie 2015
10 years ago
This is exactly how I have felt since I became a christian 4yrs ago. Thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling all these years but couldn't figure out how to express.
I was just reading your last handful of blogs and thinking, "Hmmm...this is where I am right now." Especially your most recent blog. Our sermon last week was on the lady who was so broke that the creditors were coming to take her two sons. She was told by the king to take the small amount of olive oil that she had, go to neighbors and ask for as many pots as she could get, and keep filling them. And she did. the point being...how many pots would you have gone to collect? Then we were supposed to write on a piece of paper, the area in our life that we need more faith and then walk up and place it in a "pot". It was really good. But now that I've moved, and God did so many big things before I left, I'm kind of like "hmmm...things are fine right now." But if I don't keep filling my pots when I feel like I have enough olive oil...one of these days they will all be dry when I need it the most! Stacy
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