Disclaimer: Believe it or not, I took ZERO photos at the launch! So, I'm stealing some photos I found on Facebook. :)
Sunday, September 19th
11:00 am
Portland, Oregon
I've been thinking a lot, back to last year at this time. Still living in Phoenix, and having NO IDEA how I would even make it to Portland. Meeting with the team from Wausau Wisconsin over Skype and conference calls. Talking about all that would be happening in September 2010. It seemed so far away at the time, and yet now our launch has come and gone.
Let me start by first of all saying, the Launch of Portico Church was amazing! We have prayed for weeks and months for this day, and God did not disappoint. Launch weekend started for me by picking up some dear friends at the airport, who had flown in from Arizona to be here with us. Pastor Brad and Becky Davis, and Marja from Desert Springs Church in Chandler, AZ. It was awesome to see them. Tracy and I surprised them by meeting them at the airport, holding huge signs and all!!
At about 5:00 Saturday evening we headed to the church for set up. Once set up was done, Pastor Mark had us write down on cards any thoughts or memories about the church, anything God was saying to us, we wrote down on cards and placed into a box to be opened next year at this time and see just what God has done!
Sunday morning started at 8:30 for worship rehearsal. I really felt God even in our rehearsing that morning. I have to say, I am humbled and honored to be a part of the worship team. Tracy is an amazing worship leader!! Pre-service prayer started at 10:15 - and then the guests started arriving. It was wonderful to see all the people we had been praying for there. They were actually there! We had visitors from Turning Point church, who has been an amazing resource to us as we've gotten started here. We had visitors from the Oregon Ministry Network. We had co-workers and neighbors and friends. It was awesome. In all, there were about 75 people there that morning. Pastor Mark spoke on relationships and our relationship with God. Joe and Laurie gave awesome testimonies of how God has used relationships in their own lives to draw them closer to Him.
When it all boils down, the presence of God is all we really wanted for that morning. We wanted God to come in and change lives. To set captives free. To just love on his people. We wanted to create an environment where He was free to do that. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that is what happened. I believe lives WERE changed. Mine was and will continue to be. God SO loves his people. Every one of us. Even me and even you. :) To Him be the Glory for the great things he has done this weekend - in a brand new little church - in Portland, Oregon.
Basketball Lenora and Sophie 2015
10 years ago
That is so awesome! So love hearing about the work God is doing in His church! Love and MISS you, but glad God has you where He wants!
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